> 歡迎訂閱我的 [AI Engineer 電子報](https://aihao.eo.page/6tcs9) 和瀏覽 [[Generative AI Engineer 知識庫]]
* Schedule: https://www.ai.engineer/summit/schedule
* 10/9 直播錄影 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veShHxQYPzo
* 10/10 直播錄影 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw4PrtyvJI0
* 這人的筆記不錯
* 10/9 https://twitter.com/charlierguo/status/1711485076599644287
* 10/10 https://twitter.com/charlierguo/status/1711785345053065229
* 10/8 https://twitter.com/charlierguo/status/1711397011893997772
* AI Engineer Summit 2023 Recap https://kristinamacekovic.github.io/ai-engineer-summit-recap.html (2023/10/17)
* 資料整理 https://twitter.com/neznam_neznam_n/status/1714701281824997409 (2023/10/19)
這場 Conference 的定位是應用層面的軟體工程師,因此講者跟題目,和機器學習類型的研討會很不一樣。
沒有講 Transformer 深度學習模型、沒有講如何訓練模型、沒有講各種最新的 LLM 模型等,投影片也很少提到 papers。
而是更多談 開發框架議題、Prompt Engineering、RAG、Agents、有趣的應用、UX 等等。
我推薦這幾場,內容詳見 https://ihower.tw/blog/archives/11794
> 以下截圖不是完整的,有興趣的話請去看完整錄影
# 10/9
## swyx: The 1000x AI Engineer
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## Replit: What powers Replit AI?
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> 擴展受限數據的語言模型 paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.16264
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## Toran Bruce Richards, Inventor, AutoGPT, "The Future of Work"
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## Simón Fishman, Applied AI Engineer, OpenAI & Logan Kilpatrick, Developer Relations, OpenAI, "See, Hear, Speak, Draw"
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> 本機跑一個 streamlit app 1. 先用 GPT-4V 描述一張圖片 2. 用此描丟給 DALL-E 3 產生圖片 3. GPT-4V 比較兩張圖片有什麼差異
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> 給一段影片,用 whisper 轉出文字、用 GPT-4V 針對 frame 做描述,然後用 GPT-4-32K 寫篇 blog (result: https://logankilpatrick.medium.com/dont-forget-about-gpt-4-d5ab8c9493fc)
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## Flo Crivello, CEO, Lindy, "The Age of the Agent"
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## State of AI Engineering
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## AI engineer Foundation
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## Harrison Chase, LangChain, "Building Context-Aware Reasoning Applications with LangChain and LangSmith"
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## Jason Liu, Founder, Fivesixseven, "Pydantic is all you need"
> 講者 Twitter: https://twitter.com/jxnlco
> 講者 project: https://openai-function-call.onrender.com/
投影片: https://tome.app/fivesixseven/pydantic-is-all-you-need-cllufwp8p08qoo75rx0omiybh
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## Eugene Yan, Senior Applied Scientist, Amazon, "Building Blocks for LLM Systems & Products"
> 講者說會釋出投影片.... 中間一大段不截圖了,講者投影片切換速度太快了
> 講者 blog: https://eugeneyan.com/
> 講者 twitter: https://twitter.com/eugeneyan
> 投影片釋出: https://eugeneyan.com/speaking/ai-eng-summit/
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## Linus Lee, AI Lead, Notion, "The Hidden Life of Embeddings"
投影片: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EDTQcHy336zxxfoJokQMj7lDw1R5w4oh/view
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## Brittany Walker, Principal, CRV, Chris White, CTO, Prefect & Bryan Bischof, Head of AI, Hex, "The AI Pivot: Fireside chat with Chris White of Prefect & Bryan Bischof of Hex"
這是 Panel discussion,沒投影片
## Topic Tables
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# 10/10
## Mario Rodriguez, VP of Product, GitHub, "Keynote: The AI Evolution"
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## Dedy Kredo, CPO, CodiumAI, "Move Fast, Break Nothing"
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Live demo: 用 Visual Studio Code 示範 CodiumAI 外掛,自動產生 tests、code 解釋跟建議等等
## Matt Welsh, Co-Founder, Fixie.ai, "Building Reactive AI Apps"
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接著就介紹 AI.JAX is React, but for LLM Apps
## Amelia Wattenberger, Design, Adept, "Climbing the Ladder of Abstraction"
How can we best combime AI + UIs?
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## Samantha Whitmore, CEO, New Computer & Jason Yuan, CTO/CDO, New Computer, "The Intelligent Interface"
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## One More thing: AI Engineer World's FAIR 2024
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## [[Shift Left-How to Become an AI Engineer from a Fullstack Background]]
## Hassan El Mghari, AI Engineer, Vercel, "The Weekend AI Engineer"
一個喜歡在週末做 side projects 的工程師!
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>即使只是簡單的 OpenAI wrapper,各位工程師都會做~
但是世界上還有很多人不會用 ChatGPT 的,所以流量還是有不少
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## Joseph Nelson, CEO, Roboflow, "120k players in a week: Lessons from the first viral CLIP app"
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live coding!
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## Paul Copplestone, CEO, Supabase, "Supabase Vector: The Postgres Vector database"
open source:
https://github.com/supabase/supabase 使用並支持 https://github.com/pgvector/pgvector/ 的開發
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pgvector 在 v0.5 加入 HNSW 支援,快多啦!
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...猛推薦 postgresql
## Visualizing Datasets: Unlocks a visual perspective on your text data before using it in downstream tasks
## Storyteller
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## Daniel Rosenwasser, PM TypeScript, Microsoft, "Pragmatic AI With TypeChat"
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## Abi Aryan, ML Engineer & O'Reilly Author, "Domain adaptation and fine-tuning for domain-specific LLMs"
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## Anton Troynikov, CTO, Chroma, "Retrieval Augmented Generation in the Wild"
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## Jerry Liu, CEO, LlamaIndex, "Building Production-Ready RAG Applications"
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Optimizing RAG Systems
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投影片: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v7T6ejrSo87ndGeGC7tt6zeq-cftu03WWw7WL8Jskug/edit#slide=id.p
## Mithun Hunsur, Senior Engineer, Ambient, "Harnessing the Power of LLMs Locally"
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## Shreya Rajpal, Founder, Guardrails AI, Trust, but Verify
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## Simon Willison, Creator, Datasette; Co-creator, Django, "Open Questions for AI Engineering"
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當時很難說服人這有用.... 直到....
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介紹 https://llm.datasette.io/ CLI
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可以編譯 C
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## Benjamin Dunphy, Managing Partner, Software 3.0 LLC & swyx, Latent.Space & Smol.ai, "Thank you and a special preview for 2024"
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## 10/8 (workshop)
- AI Engineering 101
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19wEaJvOTR4ec40vXyWLKziMGQ861XA-QQqs8XAR4co0/edit?pli=1#slide=id.p1
* https://github.com/nheingit/AI-101
- Finetuning Lunch & Learn (1hr)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YjPGLLy7w4&t=1284s
* https://gist.github.com/markhng525/d1b427e57edf10fdfd54c621e7e7df4d
- [[Writing Principles for Task-Tuned Prompt Engineering]]
- AI Engineering 201 (3hr)
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1g_7gSCJc5sK908D42bzSsYykSI6rXi1pFzyf-Ghkox8/edit#slide=id.p
* Building, Evaluating, and Optimizing your RAG App for Production
* https://github.com/run-llama/ai-engineer-workshop
* https://github.com/run-llama/ai-engineer-workshop/blob/main/presentation.pdf
* LangChain workshop
* https://github.com/hwchase17/ai-engineer