身歷其境的看了兩天的 MerbCamp,主辦單位提供的 Webcast 非常流暢,幾乎沒有 delay。(怎麼會這麼厲害呢?! 我連 youtube 或 Y! Live 沒有不 delay 的啊…orz),讓我在家就可以參加地球另一端的研討會,真是棒極了。(雖然英文聽的哩哩落落,不過還是很爽。It’s free!)
主辦單位也在 IRC 上開了 #merbcamp 頻道,講者們似乎也都在上面,隨時都有一些 link 丟出來可以看看,有什麼問題也可在上面提出(例如: webcast 沒聲音或沒影像等轉撥問題反應)、講者QA時間也可以從 IRC 上面問,主辦單位會幫你問講者,非常有參與性。
以下整理自我在twitter的簡短 Merb 心得:
- Merb router’s defer_to method is awesome!! # keep routing logic in the route, even authentication.
- merb slice use 100% public API of merb core, not like rails engine broke with each rails upgrade. :)
- MerbAuth’s “strategy” looks good to support multiple login methods(password, open id…etc) in the same app.
- Although merb is ORM-agnostic and JavaScript library agnostic, but everybody loves DataMapper and JQuery ;)
- Merb team will not implement RJS. RJS sucks!
- It seems that Merb::Plugins is very different from rails plugins: Merb has hooks and public/stable API ;)
- Merb really hates monkeypatching and alias_method_chain.
- Rails has no public/private/plugin API, every method is API. That’s why rails developer must use monkeypatching and alias_method_chain.
- Ruby is not slow! merb is faster than PHP (frameworks). see benchmark.
也有人做了詳細的筆記:MerbCamp Day1, MerbCamp Day2,最後一場 Keynote 的 Merb Performance Benchmarks 特別有意思:Merb without template 與 pure PHP 平分秋色,Merb with template 就大勝 CodeIgniter 和 CakePHP 這兩套 PHP web framework 了….. XD 找了一下這幾套的 benchmarks 比較,發現連 Rails 還不算太慢麻,比 Zend Framework 跟 CakePHP 都還快上不少,所以比較起來應該是 Static >> PHP > Merb >> CodeIgniter > Rails >> Zend Framework >> CakePHP。
投影片大部分在 slideshare 上可以下載的到。同時間 Merb 也將發佈 1.0 RC (即 0.9.9) 版本,所有 API 都將定下來(Merb team 非常強調保證他們的 public API will be stable and backwards compatibility for 1.x,我想大家都被 Rails 一升級就有 plugin 會爛掉非常感冒),相信在過不久就會有越來越多的文件可以看(目前還很缺啊!),是個不錯的進場時機。
1.0 我就要正式搬家了 XD