2022-11-22 23:20 RT @jasoncwarner: So this is typically what I recommend 1. Be a monolith as long as possible 2. Services start in infra for infra reasons, not app eng typically 3. If breaking out mono, break to large apps, not small services 4. Think that each new app is a virtual wall in your company
2022-11-18 14:08 @ingramchen 嗯,我也經常用簡化版 restful,可惜沒有更好的學名。我寫 API 文件的時候,也不會說這是 REST API ,反正就是個…… Web API
2022-11-18 13:30 @ingramchen 你要這樣用就不要叫做 restful 啊,就叫 Web API 或 HTTP API 就好了。Web API 有很多種設計風格,restful 是其中一種,你不喜歡用這個風格,就不要叫做 restful 麻