應中研院OSSF工作坊邀請,這次很有野心的挑戰這個題目,試圖涵蓋 Ruby 生態圈中,有關分散式 Ruby 程式設計和 Ruby on Rails 架構的相關內容:
Distributed Ruby and Rails
View more documents from Wen-Tien Chang.
- Distributed Ruby
- DRb
- Rinda
- Starfish
- MapReduce
- MagLev VM
- Distributed Message Queues
- Starling
- AMQP/RabbitMQ
- Stomp/ActiveMQ
- beanstalkd
- Background-processing in Rails
- script/runner
- rake
- cron
- daemon
- run_later plugin
- spawn plugin
- Message Queues for Rails
- ar_mailer
- BackgroundDRb
- workling
- delayed_job
- resque
- SOA for Rails
- What’s SOA
- Why SOA
- Considerations
- The tool set
- Distributed Filesystem
- Distributed database
訂出這麼大的 Agenda 範圍,自己也嚇了一跳,簡直就是差點準備不完。像是 RabbitMQ、MagLev VM、XMPP、MapReduce、SOA 等我還希望可以準備些實際的程式範例。本來預定一個小時的演講,最後也膨脹到快兩個小時才講的完。
Nice ppt.