RubyConf Taiwan 2012 CFP&CFS

To English readers:

Hi, I’m the organizer of RubyConf Taiwan. Please see Call For Presentations and Call For Sponsors for more information.

Our invited speaker this year includes Yukihiro Matsumoto (Ruby creator), Koichi Sasada (Ruby 1.9 VM YARV author), Akira Matsuda (kaminari author, Rails Contributor, Ruby core team), Koan-Sin Tan (famous open source developer in Taiwan).

今年的 RubyConf Taiwan 已經開始籌辦一陣子了,才想到自己部落格還沒有貼這則消息… XD 日期是 2012/12/7-8,跟去年一樣是週五周六,場地則改在天母會議中心

詳細的公告,請詳見 Ruby Taiwan 部落格的 Call For PresentationsCall For Sponsors。這週末就截止徵稿囉,要投要快。


* Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz): Ruby 程式語言發明人
* Koichi Sasada: Ruby 1.9 VM (YARV)的作者
* Akira Matsuda: kaminari 的作者、日本最活躍的 Rails Contributor、Ruby core team
* Koan-Sin Tan (Freedom): 台灣開放源碼社群的資深前輩,會來跟我們談跟 Ruby 淵源很深的 Smalltalk


